Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday, June 19 - Day one in Portoviejo!

Greetings friends and family!

We arrived in Portoviejo late last night on our third avianca flight in two days. As we disembarked, we headed to baggage claim and waited for our bags to arrive. As we did, I looked back over my shoulder, and i saw a familiar face smiling back me as he strode across the parking lot - Hunter Fell! (and for those that don't know Hunter, he is a long time daybreaker, former dsm'er and is presently interning with incalink, the organization that is leading our trip.) We were so excited to see him! He is such a blessing to this team and I am so thankful that incalink worked it out for him to be with us this week!

We are having a blast getting to know Pastor Percy and his family as well as some of the other students that are connected to their church.

Today, we went to work with machetes to  clear the bush on the road leading up to one of the communities where we will be doing vbs. We also did a lot of digging and moving dirt and rock in order to prepare for a new porch for a family that allows the church to use their space to do ministry for kids in the community.

We took a break for lunch and a bit of downtime this afternoon and then headed back in the late afternoon to the same community to lead a vacation bible school program for the kids there.

Then tonight, after dinner, Pastor Percy is taking us on a tour of the city.  We'll see the coast as well as a lot of the damage that was caused by the earthquake last year.

Thanks for taking the time to catch up with us.  I hope to update at least 2 or 3 more times this week so keep checking back.

Pastor Matt


  1. Hunter Fell and machetes??! It was a good, good day in Ecuador! Thanks for the updates. Praying for you all! ❤️, Carrie

  2. Great job serving Daybreak DSM team! So happy that Hunter was assigned to you - i know its doing him good to be with you too! 💗😛
