Monday, June 26, 2017

Ecuador Team #2 Getting Ready to Leave on Friday!!

The time has come!  Finally after weeks of team meetings and preparation, this Daybreak team of 9 will be flying to Ecuador on Friday, June 30th.  Once in Quito, we will travel to Huaticocha to serve alongside our international workers and the students at Ninawachi Missions Institute.  We are excited to have the opportunity to show God’s love to the adults and children in nearby jungle communities and even spend a day or two serving at a church in Quito.  Please, pray for safety and protection for our team during our travels to Ecuador as well as while we are there.  Please, pray that God will provide access to the communities.  We know and trust that God is already there working in the lives of the Ecuadorians.  But pray that God will continue to open doors to the minds and hearts of those we will be serving.  Please, pray for complete peace and good health for our team.   Thank you for joining our team on our journey to Ecuador and for all the support and prayers that you have already provided and will continue to do so.  We will try to update the blog as much as we can so be sure to check back for updates. 

Blog written by Laura Woltz


  1. So excited for you all! I will be praying praying praying! HUGGG to you Laura!!!

  2. Sooooo excited for all of you. Praying for safe travels and life changing experiences. ❤️❤️
