Saturday, June 25, 2011

Student Team Update Numero Tres!

Student Team Update Numero Tres!

As our final update to the blog, we decided to give each student and staff the chance to write their own brief description of what this week has meant to them. Please take time to read through each of the following and feel free to comment! Thanks again for your prayers!

It has been proven true this week that we serve a good God that will give us exactly what we need, precisely when we need it. This trip was exactly what many of us needed and God’s timing was impeccable. So many stories of how God moved and so little space to tell it. Can’t wait to get home and share with you all that God did. I love you Laurie, Dylan and Kenzie. Daddy will be home soon!!

I have had an amazing week watching the students grow and allowing God to work in their lives. I love these students and can’t wait to tell all the awesome and hilarious stories!

This trip has been amazing! I loved working with the kids during VBS. Even though I hurt my knee (minor injury), I realized God had a way for me to still serve. I loved seeing the culture in this country and practicing my Spanish. I fell in love with Ecuador while I was here.

Hey everyone! This week has been the best! Wednesday was the best… and yet saddest day of my life. On the upside, we finished our project in Caupicho. But we also had to leave all the little kids that we got to know there. By the way, I did eat Guinea Pig! I’ve got so many stories to tell you guys and I can’t wait to see you.

These nine days have been amazing! Working and VBS was so much fun and an amazing experience. God has given me a completely new perspective and showed me how blessed I am. I never thought I could fall in love with an entire country like Ecuador. Best. Place. On. Earth.

First part of the week was spent working like a horse and doing VBS. Enjoying laughs with the kids, getting bitten, and training little ninjas. God has humbled me through the simplicity of life here in Quito and the joy of the people here.

This week has been awesome. I love our team and am thankful for all the laughs we’ve shared.

It was truly a unique experience. It was definitely not what I expected.

This trip has certainly been something I will always remember. God has taught me a lot of things through the course of one week. I am now very grateful for what I have, like health and family. I have a lot of stories to tell!! By the way, I also had Guinea Pig, and it was TERRIBLE!!!

Words cannot describe what God has done to my heart this week. It has been an awesome experience and one that I will never forget. I have been humbled and have had my perspective on life changed for the better. I look forward to sharing my experiences with everyone. See ya soon.

What an amazing week connecting with the students and seeing God move in them and through them. God has been teaching me so much about TRUST this week. I love you Karen and can’t wait to see you.

This has been an amazing experience. I have learned a lot both at the beginning of the week in Caupicho and also in the last few days at Casablanca. One of the most important things I have learned is to keep listening for God because He is never done teaching you.

I could never have anticipated the events of this trip. Being with the kids, working in the mornings, and getting to know the people of Caupicho are things I will never forget. Staying at Casablanca was also such a treat. I’m excited to come home but so sad to leave all these people that have impacted my life.

It is with a mixture of joy and sadness that we head home in the morning. Though we are very excited to get back to our family and friends, we will also miss the people that we have shared our lives with for the last seven days. Please pray that God will comfort us as we return and also that He will continue to provide more teams to come and do what we have done. Thank you. We will see you soon!

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