Student Team Update Numero Tres!
As our final update to the blog, we decided to give each student and staff the chance to write their own brief description of what this week has meant to them. Please take time to read through each of the following and feel free to comment! Thanks again for your prayers!
It has been proven true this week that we serve a good God that will give us exactly what we need, precisely when we need it. This trip was exactly what many of us needed and God’s timing was impeccable. So many stories of how God moved and so little space to tell it. Can’t wait to get home and share with you all that God did. I love you Laurie, Dylan and Kenzie. Daddy will be home soon!!
I have had an amazing week watching the students grow and allowing God to work in their lives. I love these students and can’t wait to tell all the awesome and hilarious stories!
This trip has been amazing! I loved working with the kids during VBS. Even though I hurt my knee (minor injury), I realized God had a way for me to still serve. I loved seeing the culture in this country and practicing my Spanish. I fell in love with Ecuador while I was here.
Hey everyone! This week has been the best! Wednesday was the best… and yet saddest day of my life. On the upside, we finished our project in Caupicho. But we also had to leave all the little kids that we got to know there. By the way, I did eat Guinea Pig! I’ve got so many stories to tell you guys and I can’t wait to see you.
These nine days have been amazing! Working and VBS was so much fun and an amazing experience. God has given me a completely new perspective and showed me how blessed I am. I never thought I could fall in love with an entire country like Ecuador. Best. Place. On. Earth.
First part of the week was spent working like a horse and doing VBS. Enjoying laughs with the kids, getting bitten, and training little ninjas. God has humbled me through the simplicity of life here in Quito and the joy of the people here.
This week has been awesome. I love our team and am thankful for all the laughs we’ve shared.
It was truly a unique experience. It was definitely not what I expected.
This trip has certainly been something I will always remember. God has taught me a lot of things through the course of one week. I am now very grateful for what I have, like health and family. I have a lot of stories to tell!! By the way, I also had Guinea Pig, and it was TERRIBLE!!!
Words cannot describe what God has done to my heart this week. It has been an awesome experience and one that I will never forget. I have been humbled and have had my perspective on life changed for the better. I look forward to sharing my experiences with everyone. See ya soon.
What an amazing week connecting with the students and seeing God move in them and through them. God has been teaching me so much about TRUST this week. I love you Karen and can’t wait to see you.
This has been an amazing experience. I have learned a lot both at the beginning of the week in Caupicho and also in the last few days at Casablanca. One of the most important things I have learned is to keep listening for God because He is never done teaching you.
I could never have anticipated the events of this trip. Being with the kids, working in the mornings, and getting to know the people of Caupicho are things I will never forget. Staying at Casablanca was also such a treat. I’m excited to come home but so sad to leave all these people that have impacted my life.
It is with a mixture of joy and sadness that we head home in the morning. Though we are very excited to get back to our family and friends, we will also miss the people that we have shared our lives with for the last seven days. Please pray that God will comfort us as we return and also that He will continue to provide more teams to come and do what we have done. Thank you. We will see you soon!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Adult Team Update
Dear Family and Friends,
DEB -- We have had a wonderful week...I am so proud of this team...they have been amazing this week and God has done great things in and through each's a quick word from each of them ...
DAN -- It was pretty cool to see people worship the same God the same way we do...the only difference is the language. Even though these people have no money compared to us, they have more spiritual wealth than many of us do.
RON -- God has been teaching me about obedience and how important it is to listen to HIS voice, even when it doesn't seem right. This week has affirmed the importance of following Him, even when it seems impossible. God's blessings have been amazing.
CHRIS -- I have learned that God's love is the same everywhere. Regardless of the culture or living conditions, God's love is ever present and always the same. There's no reason to pity those we see as less fortunate, because they can experience God's grace in ways that we can't.
ADRIENNE -- God has been teaching me so many things since I've been here. He has taught me amazing lessons in accepting God's love and spreading that love outwardly to others. When we're living in God's love, we are able to accomplish the impossible. We've seen God do great things here among these people and it's been great to finally meet my brothers and sisters from across the world.
SHELLY -- We are all brothers and sisters under one Father. I've learned to inspire others to follow God's path. Please pick me up tomorrow night at 12:30.
LAURA -- I've learned many things, one being that God's presence is clearly evident in Ecuador. God's love for His people transcends cultural and language barriers. I've seen Jesus this trip in the eyes of the children we've served. It has been an honor to be part of this team and to be an example of God's love.
MAUREEN -- I have learned that this experience is a life changing experience because I will choose to use what I've learned here in Ecuador at home. This has been about more than money and poverty, but about how we have more in common than we are different.
MCCALL -- God has put a desire in my heart to run harder after Him than ever before. I feel so ready for Him to take over my life completely and live out my life for Him alone. My one prayer request is that I can go home and be grounded in the truths I learned this week.
LAUREN -- I have really enjoyed my time in Ecuador. I have really been impacted by the people I have met here. What I'm taking away will impact my life as I continue to pray and seek God for the things that He's taught me on this trip.
JEFF -- It has been so great to come back to Ecuador and especially the village of El Carmen to see the relationships and the church we started on my last trip. I have learned so much but here are some things that stood out. Even when I don't feel God I just need to continue to be obedient. I also have been working on speaking less and being more of a listener, for people and for God. Being in a country that doesn't really speak your language is a great way to practice that!
KELLY -- It has been amazing to come back and visit the friends I made last year. I have learned a lot about myself and God. I'm already looking forward to coming back next year.
ANNE - I loved the whole trip. You can look at it from so many different ways because it had so many different elements. I loved connecting with the people and seemed so easy because they sincerely welcomed us with hugs and kisses. I loved the funny times among our group and especially enjoyed our time in Reten.
SARAH -- God is teaching me that I need to slow down and make time for relationships and for Him. He has also shown me that this trip has been a gift and given me contentment with where I am living right now.
ROBIN -- God has been reinforcing a truth in my life that is calling me to a life of greater simplicity. We came to serve here in Ecuador and the people here are so loving and generous that they absolutely "outserved" us! I am going home with a renewed commitment to allow more margin in my life to serve my family and friends the way that Jesus calls us to serve.
We'll see you all tomorrow!!!!
DEB -- We have had a wonderful week...I am so proud of this team...they have been amazing this week and God has done great things in and through each's a quick word from each of them ...
DAN -- It was pretty cool to see people worship the same God the same way we do...the only difference is the language. Even though these people have no money compared to us, they have more spiritual wealth than many of us do.
RON -- God has been teaching me about obedience and how important it is to listen to HIS voice, even when it doesn't seem right. This week has affirmed the importance of following Him, even when it seems impossible. God's blessings have been amazing.
CHRIS -- I have learned that God's love is the same everywhere. Regardless of the culture or living conditions, God's love is ever present and always the same. There's no reason to pity those we see as less fortunate, because they can experience God's grace in ways that we can't.
ADRIENNE -- God has been teaching me so many things since I've been here. He has taught me amazing lessons in accepting God's love and spreading that love outwardly to others. When we're living in God's love, we are able to accomplish the impossible. We've seen God do great things here among these people and it's been great to finally meet my brothers and sisters from across the world.
SHELLY -- We are all brothers and sisters under one Father. I've learned to inspire others to follow God's path. Please pick me up tomorrow night at 12:30.
LAURA -- I've learned many things, one being that God's presence is clearly evident in Ecuador. God's love for His people transcends cultural and language barriers. I've seen Jesus this trip in the eyes of the children we've served. It has been an honor to be part of this team and to be an example of God's love.
MAUREEN -- I have learned that this experience is a life changing experience because I will choose to use what I've learned here in Ecuador at home. This has been about more than money and poverty, but about how we have more in common than we are different.
MCCALL -- God has put a desire in my heart to run harder after Him than ever before. I feel so ready for Him to take over my life completely and live out my life for Him alone. My one prayer request is that I can go home and be grounded in the truths I learned this week.
LAUREN -- I have really enjoyed my time in Ecuador. I have really been impacted by the people I have met here. What I'm taking away will impact my life as I continue to pray and seek God for the things that He's taught me on this trip.
JEFF -- It has been so great to come back to Ecuador and especially the village of El Carmen to see the relationships and the church we started on my last trip. I have learned so much but here are some things that stood out. Even when I don't feel God I just need to continue to be obedient. I also have been working on speaking less and being more of a listener, for people and for God. Being in a country that doesn't really speak your language is a great way to practice that!
KELLY -- It has been amazing to come back and visit the friends I made last year. I have learned a lot about myself and God. I'm already looking forward to coming back next year.
ANNE - I loved the whole trip. You can look at it from so many different ways because it had so many different elements. I loved connecting with the people and seemed so easy because they sincerely welcomed us with hugs and kisses. I loved the funny times among our group and especially enjoyed our time in Reten.
SARAH -- God is teaching me that I need to slow down and make time for relationships and for Him. He has also shown me that this trip has been a gift and given me contentment with where I am living right now.
ROBIN -- God has been reinforcing a truth in my life that is calling me to a life of greater simplicity. We came to serve here in Ecuador and the people here are so loving and generous that they absolutely "outserved" us! I am going home with a renewed commitment to allow more margin in my life to serve my family and friends the way that Jesus calls us to serve.
We'll see you all tomorrow!!!!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Student Team Update Numero Dos!!
Since leaving Caupicho on Thursday morning, we have moved into Casablanca, a beautiful set of houses used to house short-term missionaries in Quito. Not only do we have warm showers and comfy beds but we also have access to the internet (well, only for blog updating purposes) – thus giving us our first opportunity last night to update the blog for the student team. Thanks for your patience... as we definitely would have posted earlier if there was any way to do it.
After our update last night, we did some work here at Casablanca. Some students worked on gardening and landscaping while others were re-painting one of the houses here. And, of course, the paint ended up not only on the house but on the faces and hands of our students as well.
Today was a busy day in Quito for our team. First, we went to Camp Hope, a school for orphans, some of which are severely handicapped. The girls stayed there for the first few hours of the day while the guys went to the home for these same students to move some debris and build a patio. We made quick work of it and re-joined the girls back at Camp Hope.
After Camp Hope, we headed back to Casablanca for a quick lunch and then headed back out to another local orphanage to spend some time with the kids and do some VBS. The kids were rowdy but excited to have us there. The kids enjoyed our program – singing along with the songs enthusiastically, doing the crafts that we prepared, and even learning a scripture verse with us.
Finally, around 6:30, we returned to Casablanca for dinner. It was awesome. Mauve and Fabian (the house parents at Casablanca) are excellent cooks and made us hamburguesas (hamburgers) for dinner. They were soooo good. They are taking good care of us and we are very thankful for their hospitality.
Thanks again for your prayers! Tomorrow will be a day of sightseeing and team building as we spend one final day in the city. See you all Sunday night... well, early Monday morning to be precise. :)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Student Team - Update Numero Uno!
For the previous three days, our team has been in the town of Caupicho in the city of Quito, Ecuador. The church there is building a worship center facility that will include meeting space, classrooms, and meeting rooms. This is a HUGE project for a small church in a poor community but Pastor Santiago and his church have faith that God will supply what they need to accomplish the project.
That is where we came in… a portion of the money that we paid to come on this trip helped to pay the cost of the materials to continue this project. Not only that, we provided a lot of free labor to get the work done! And though the conditions were challenging, we felt overwhelmed by how Pastor Santiago and the church family went overboard making us feel welcome. They prepared incredible meals… and even treated us to an Ecuadorian delicacy - Guinea Pig!!

Thanks for your prayers! We are all healthy and serving well. Parents, you should be very proud of your students. They are having a great time serving together and each one will be leaving Ecuador changed. We miss you and are excited to share with you all of the details when we return.
For now, here are a few highlights from the trip so far:
6/19 Sunday Church Services
We went to church in downtown Quito on Sunday morning and in Caupicho on Sunday night. The worship was incredible. Three students shared their testimonies, Matt shared a message, and the Ecuadorians sang some traditional music in the evening service!
6/20 Construction Begins
We started off the week by digging 10 holes between five and six feet deep to serve as a foundation for the new building. We also spent some time in the afternoon at a local park - playing games and hanging out with people in the community.

6/21 Concrete and Rebar
We mixed and poured concrete in the holes that had been dug. We also moved some small rocks into each hole to provide additional strength. Support towers of rebar were also put together to be set on the foundation the next day. Vacation Bible School in the park for the kids in the afternoon and some futbol in the park rounded out our day.

6/22 Towers in Place
Our rebar towers were set in place and the hardest work began - carrying the large rocks in teams of two from the street, down a ramp and into the foundation holes we dug at the beginning of the week. At night, the Ecuadorians challenged us to a futbol match at a local stadium. Though we fought valiantly, we lost and had to buy Coke's for the victors.

Our time in Caupicho ended last night with a "thank you" from the church. They had gifts for each of us - large bags for the guys and smaller ones for the girls. They also took time to thank us personally for our work. As we prayed together, there was not a dry eye in the house. Every student has been impacted in a huge way by our time in Caupicho!

That is where we came in… a portion of the money that we paid to come on this trip helped to pay the cost of the materials to continue this project. Not only that, we provided a lot of free labor to get the work done! And though the conditions were challenging, we felt overwhelmed by how Pastor Santiago and the church family went overboard making us feel welcome. They prepared incredible meals… and even treated us to an Ecuadorian delicacy - Guinea Pig!!
Thanks for your prayers! We are all healthy and serving well. Parents, you should be very proud of your students. They are having a great time serving together and each one will be leaving Ecuador changed. We miss you and are excited to share with you all of the details when we return.
For now, here are a few highlights from the trip so far:
6/19 Sunday Church Services
We went to church in downtown Quito on Sunday morning and in Caupicho on Sunday night. The worship was incredible. Three students shared their testimonies, Matt shared a message, and the Ecuadorians sang some traditional music in the evening service!
6/20 Construction Begins
We started off the week by digging 10 holes between five and six feet deep to serve as a foundation for the new building. We also spent some time in the afternoon at a local park - playing games and hanging out with people in the community.
6/21 Concrete and Rebar
We mixed and poured concrete in the holes that had been dug. We also moved some small rocks into each hole to provide additional strength. Support towers of rebar were also put together to be set on the foundation the next day. Vacation Bible School in the park for the kids in the afternoon and some futbol in the park rounded out our day.
6/22 Towers in Place
Our rebar towers were set in place and the hardest work began - carrying the large rocks in teams of two from the street, down a ramp and into the foundation holes we dug at the beginning of the week. At night, the Ecuadorians challenged us to a futbol match at a local stadium. Though we fought valiantly, we lost and had to buy Coke's for the victors.
Our time in Caupicho ended last night with a "thank you" from the church. They had gifts for each of us - large bags for the guys and smaller ones for the girls. They also took time to thank us personally for our work. As we prayed together, there was not a dry eye in the house. Every student has been impacted in a huge way by our time in Caupicho!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Adult Team ' Day 3
Hi again! It has been an another amazing day in beautiful Ecuador!!! On day 3 our team continues to experience new and exciting things. After a delicious breakfast provided by our gracious hosts we all loaded up on to the back of a truck and headed to the church work site for a morning of construction. Once we convinced the suprised tarantula to move along we started digging the foundation footers for the new church. You would be proud of our team as everyone worked hard along side our new friends from El Carmen. You would never know that we spoke different languages if you looked around at the many exchanges of words, looks and touches.
After a nutrious lunch and short rest we loaded back on the truck to one of our favorite places so far, the school where we get to have Vacation Bible School(VBS) with the local children. Our hearts are filled with joy and excitment when we see the kids running down the dirt road towards our truck. We spent about two hours loving these kids by playing with them, teaching them about Jesus and just making special bonds. You will have to ask one of the team members about our Ninja game.
After VBS we piled back on the truck ready for a much needed trip to the river. Even though the river looked more like choclate milk today and was running fast, we did not waste any time jumping in for some fun and cleanliness. The 30 minute truck ride back through the banana and mango fields air dried us with spectacular looking hair styles.
That is all we have for now but we hope to be able to give you an update soon.
P.S. Everyone is healthy and happy!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Adult Team --Day 1 & 2
Hello family and friends! We arrived in Quito Saturday evening. We had a smooth flight and made it to Casablanca without any glitches. We had a short night of sleep our first night (about 4 hours), but everyone was still ready to go on Sunday morning. After a good breakfast, we began our 5 hour journey to El Carmen. It was one very windy bus ride down the mountain.
On Sunday evening, we attended and participated in a service at El Carmen Alliance church, where we had an amazing time of prayer and worship together. God is truly at work here in El Carmen.
Today was our first full day of working with the church family. We did construction, VBS and had a chance to clean off in the river! We look forward to another great day tomorrow.
Thank you for your prayers. Everyone is doing great and is healthy and safe!
On Sunday evening, we attended and participated in a service at El Carmen Alliance church, where we had an amazing time of prayer and worship together. God is truly at work here in El Carmen.
Today was our first full day of working with the church family. We did construction, VBS and had a chance to clean off in the river! We look forward to another great day tomorrow.
Thank you for your prayers. Everyone is doing great and is healthy and safe!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Two Teams leave in 10 days!
On June 18, 2011, we will be sending our largest group ever to Ecuador! A team of 14 students and youth staff will be serving in the capitol city of Quito, while another team of 14 adults will be headed back to El Carmen. Both teams are prepared and ready to serve doing construction, bible school with kids, visiting orphanages, and all kinds of cool stuff that can only happen in Ecuador.
Neither team is sure how often they will be able to update this blog, but they do hope to keep you informed on how things are going and how you can continue to pray for them.
Thanks for ALL of your prayers and support every step of the way!
~From all 28 Ecuador Short-Term'ers
P.S. You think 28 is a lot? Just wait until August when we send 7 more. More news on that to come...
Neither team is sure how often they will be able to update this blog, but they do hope to keep you informed on how things are going and how you can continue to pray for them.
Thanks for ALL of your prayers and support every step of the way!
~From all 28 Ecuador Short-Term'ers
P.S. You think 28 is a lot? Just wait until August when we send 7 more. More news on that to come...
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